Women's Ministries

Welcome to the Women’s Ministry at Laveen Baptist Church. The purpose of this ministry is to lead women to be devoted followers of Christ; to encourage and help develop healthy relationships with God and others through the principles of God’s Word. We grow in Christ through discipleship, prayer, service and fellowship fun!

Current Events:

Bible Studys:

We currently offer three Ladies Bible Study's. 

One on Monday AM will be studying the Book of Mark and will start on February 17th at 8:00 am.  Sue Hardy will be leading this study if you have any questions.  

One on Monday PM will be studying the book of Isaiah and will start on January 13th at 6:00 pm, please scan the QR code on the ad below or click on this link Ladies PM Bible Study - Isaiah - Laveen Baptist Church to sign up, you have two options one in person and one via ZOOM, all material will be provided.  Michele Anderson will be leading this study if you have any questions.

One on Wednesday PM is following the Adventure Club study that the kids are following and this will continue on January 5th at 6:30 pm.




Ever wondered who we are and what we do?

Women on Mission is a missions discipleship group designed to equip adult women to become active disciples of Christ as they live on mission for Him. 

Women on Mission members seek to live out missions through missions projects, ministries, prayer, giving, and Bible study. The purpose of the organization is to provide every person with the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. 

Through Women on Mission, women:

  • learn about missions around the world and in North America,

  • pray for the nations to hear of God’s love and for the missionaries who serve Him,

  • give to missions offerings and through the Cooperative Program, and

  • do missions by sharing Christ with others.


Women On Missions (WOM)   

WOM is currently not meeting, please join us for Crafting in Ruth's Footprints (see dates below)


Crafting in Ruth’s Footprint is an Affinity or Special Interest Group.  This Women on Mission group brings together women with common interest, hobbies or similar life stages.  We have women who knit, quilt, make and send cards to church members.

The Women in this group meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am in Building B Rooms 2 & 3. 

February 11th & February 25th

March 11th & March 25th

April 8th & April 22nd

May 13th & 27th

June 10th & 24th